How we have been a blessing to others?
We all know 2020 wasn’t the best year for anyone. In fact, for some, it might be the worst thing they have experienced so far. As Christian, we are always told to count our blessings, even during trials and difficult times. It helps us to see our God has been faithful to our prayer and He is a God that took care of our needs (Philippians 4:6). Counting the blessing in the 2020 context is just a reflection on how a great God we served. But if we ask ourselves, how we have been of a blessing to others this year? This answer will reflect on how good of a God’s steward of God’s blessing we were. And to be honest, I wasn’t a good one.
For the believer, it is too easy to find a reason to be grateful to God and we can list multiple reasons but the moment we post the question on how we have been of blessing to others, we found out this answer fall short in comparison with the Blessing God have provided to us.
This year, 2020, I am grateful for the opportunity to become a Teacher at Panama Christian Academy (PCA), although at first, it was a slippery path where I stumble a lot trying to adjust my teaching methodology. But I did enjoy teaching them Bible and Business subjects. Moreover, when some seniors students joined my church youth fellowship, it makes my job as a teacher more delightful and rewarding. Because I get to spend some time with them outside of the teaching setting and get to know each other better. This is the BEST PART!
Often time we assume that if you are in a teaching position, you have learned most things about the subject you are ought to teach. But in reality, this PCA Prom 2020 Exus taught me something quite admirable. Taking into account, this prom has faced a great challenge without any precedence in the history of PCA and they have made it. However, what caught my eyes and the things that inspired me to write this article were their giving spirit.
Every Senior Class at PCA, they have a tradition to travel abroad or in-country to have their graduation trip, some called it a mission trip. Due to the impact of COVID 19, traveling expose yourself to the virus and with a big group of student is a formula for disaster. But this prom has collected quite a lot of cash previously by making activities at school. Not knowing what to do with the money, after using it to cover their prom gifts, they decided to donate most of their money to the needy ones. In this case, it was the school personnel who have their contract suspended, 30 gift cards to a rural community, and one of their classmate.
On Dec. 19, I was on a trip with the school chaplain, a church friend, and a Family of one of the seniors to distribute the supermarket gift card to the needy ones. I signed up without knowing the background story of those gift cards. To my surprise, on the road, I heard it from the chaplain and it brought me to the realization of a message. The Christmas Message is not about receiving but giving. That is the whole point, the night where Jesus was born, the Father gave his only begotten Son to the world. Furthermore, the sacrifice that the student underway for giving up the collected money to the needy ones because they could spend it as many other proms did. For that reason, the message we brought resonates strongly with the community. As a Business teacher, I taught them there is no such thing as a free lunch because even if it is free for the one who received it, someone else needs to work it out to be free for them. In this case, this prom worked hard with the expectation of enjoying the fruit of their labor this year, instead, they give that money to the needy. This goes in hand with the message of salvation, the reason why it is free for us by Grace Alone through Faith Alone in Christ Alone is that Jesus Christ paid the salvation for all of us. If anyone dares to work it out, we will find ourselves fall short for eternity.
Moreover, one of their classmates has always lived by grace throughout his academy period at PCA through the support of many teachers. However, many are facing an economic crisis, teachers couldn’t support this student as much as they wanted. In reality, on many previous occasions, they thought of stopping this support because of the scandal involved with this student and his poor behavior in the school setting. But every time they thought of that, they were reminded of the story of Israel's unfaithfulness in the desert and God's faithfulness. God has never stopped his provision to his people, not even once when the Israelites fail to live up to God’s standard. The same grace God has shown us daily. As teachers in a Christian school, we wanted to make him realize, even if he failed numerous times, grace was granted over and over again. But this time, was a grace extended by their classmate. A portion of the money was given to pay off this classmate's student loan with PCA. A gesture without precedence in the history of the school. An entire prom worked hard to raise their graduation fund which they give out for free to the needy ones. This makes me realize the reflection question I posted at the beginning, how we have been a blessing to others?
This PCA Prom 2020 Exus is a conglomerate of smart students in their own field of expertise, as I teacher, I can’t deny I have learned a couple of things from them. I believe they set an example for the rest of the upcoming Senior year at PCA. Hopefully, God will keep working in each one of their heart as they mature and follow God through every aspect of their life.
May the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7